Okay. So, you see you're on my HomePage... At first set:
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you will see here much intresting, but if you really gonna look at my Site
you need 15 min atleast... If you wanna check all my links you need even more...
There are frames and many pictures ... So, You can visit my previous versions
of it. You
ready? Enjoy !!
Highly recommended is visiting TIPS at first. There you can find best navigation around my site...
Koichi Senada
For loosers:
1st off: this part is just for people who had some problems with loading my HomePage. Maybe that depends of location, maybe of poor containing of brains.
HERE you can take list of all places where my HomePage is set.
HERE you can download ZIPped version.
2nd off: if U have still problems, come to doctor at first and then if U'll get recipe, visit in clear version (no frames, behaviors, layers etc...) such parts like:
[-] Pictures
[-] Tips
[-] !! Friends !!
[-] Links
Still troubles? click HERE !!